Monday, November 15, 2010


Hi friends and family,
I've struggle on and off with the pain of carpel tunnel syndrome in my wrists, hands, and fingers. It started when I was a teenager bussing tables, and has gotten worse over the years. I just turned 38, so I've been dealing with the problem for over 20 years. Wow. Anytime you claim anything for over 20 years, there's just a sense of oldness. And that's how ailments make you feel. In the past month, the pain shot from my head to my fingertips daily. Throbbing. Severely. So, now you know why I haven't been blogging lately. Using the computer keyboard was too painful. But.... YES THERE IS A BUT! I am really thankful for some great relief lately. I just had my second appointment with a very skilled massage therapist and aromatherapist named Deb Stoltzfus. It's a love/hate kind of thing. I look forward to going there just because the word "spa" is on her door, but this woman is not interested in any foofy pampering. Granted her massage therapy room above her home is beautiful, smells wonderful, and has peaceful instrumental music playing.... but this woman is serious about the therapeutic part of massage. She wants to know your problem and eliminate it. She's focused. She's strong. And just like during contractions before child birth, I found myself trying to breathe through the pressure she delivered, especially to my neck. Since getting 2 massages, the carpel tunnel symptoms have really let up, and so I had to write to tell you about her healing gift. Lately, my arms, wrists, and hands are feeling so much better. God is glorified! Her business is called "Inshanti Wellness Spa" and is located on 48 Slaymaker Hill Rd. in Kinzers, PA. You will also love her essential oils. She has her own lab and is a purist when it comes to choosing and mixing these wonderfully healing oils. Check out her website by clicking on the title of this post or go to Thanks Deb!!

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